Camera RC
V.1.5.0 beta

Notebook and camera

An application for remote controlling some Sony cameras over WLAN.

Copyright (c) 2015 - 2020 by Friedemann Seebass, Germany
11 April 2020


1 Introduction

Camera RC is an application for remote controlling Sony cameras from a notebook over WiFi. You can download similar software from Sony's homepage: But the first one (PlayMemories Mobile) is running only on smartphones and not on PCs, and the second one (Imaging Edge) needs an USB cable connection. This USB program can show the live view in the meantime, but this was not possible at the time I developed the application (with Sony's former Remote Camera Control which is not available any longer). Mainly this last shortcoming caused me to develop the software.

The software is based on Sony's Camera Remote API available on some higher priced Sony camera models. May be the software is running with all of these cameras - but I could test it only with my Alpha 7 II and an HX60 (limited functionality with this model, see section System Requirements). The current version is quite usable but not perfect. See the todo list below. What you can do is to set all the camera's parameters available by the API, set the focal point, take pictures, transfer images and movies to the notebook and take pictures automatically with a timer. If the camera is in movie mode you can start and stop recording a movie.

The program is written in Java and is successfully tested on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X. It contains no spyware, no adware or other malicious parts. It is published without any warranty and without charge. See the license in the application's About dialog box for details. Neither the project nor I for myself have any relations to the Sony corporation. Error reports and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

2 Installation

2.1 Camera RC

Camera RC is written in Java, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 1.8.0 or newer, is necessary therefore. You can download it from When the JRE is installed, it is enough to unzip the file "" at an arbitrary place. Under Windows you can alternatively use the installer "CameraRC_140_Setup.exe".

2.2 Installation of Sony's Smart Remote Camera App

The communication between the notebook and the camera takes place over Sony's Smart Remote Control application on the camera. Make sure to have the newest version installed. The old built-in version delivered with the camera shows up as Smart Remote Embedded (compare with fig. 4 showing the newest version); in my case it has the old version identifier "Smart Remote Control SR/2.30 __SKZ__", "2.0.1". This will have limited functionality, i. e. the following features are not available compared to the newer one:
The version I have used to develop the software is "Smart Remote Control SR/4.10 __SAK__", "2.1.4"; see fig. 22 how to figure out the version in your camera.

You can install the newest version of Sony's Smart Remote Control from directly with your internet browser after connecting your camera via USB cable with your computer; a registration is required.

3 Connecting the Camera

Connecting the camera with your notebook is easy, but you need to know the steps:

1. Disconnect all network connections (wireless and wired) your notebook currently have; unplug the network cable.

2. Disable your firewall. Dependent on its settings establishing the connection could be prevented otherwise, shutter speed and aperture cannot be read out and set or the camera cannot be triggered.

3. Set the camera's mode wheel to "Auto", "P", "A", "S", "M" or "Movie" (other modes are not supported by Sony's programming interface) and make sure the "Airplane Mode" is set to "off" (otherwise the WLAN is not available):

Mode Wheel
Airplane Mode off
Fig. 1: Set the camera into one of the marked modes.
Fig. 2: Press the camera's MENU key and
set the "Airplane Mode" to "off".

4. Start the "Smart Remote Control" application on the camera:  
Camera Application
              List Camera Smart Remote
              Control Application
Fig. 3: Press the camera's MENU key and
navigate to the camera applications, ...

Fig. 4: ... start the camera's
"Smart Remote Control" application; ...
SSID Password
Fig. 5: ... the camera sets up an ad-hoc network,
remember its SSID and press the camera's trash can key to ...
Fig. 6: ... see the network's password.

5. Establish the connection with your operating system:
Search the network list
                for the camera Input password
Fig. 7: Search in the network list for the camera's ad-hoc network SSID, ... Fig. 8: ... input the password and establish the connection.

6. Start the Camera RC application on your notebook. This can be done
  • in a shell with the command
    java -jar CameraRC.jar 
  • or on most systems with a double click on "CameraRC.jar"
  • or under Windows with a double click on "CameraRC.exe"; the exe file checks if the needed JRE is installed, and guides you to the download page if not.
The application will connect with the camera automatically.

4 Main Window

4.1 Basic Operation

When started the first time the application shows basically the camera's Live View and a trigger button to take a picture:

Main window, basic operation

Fig. 9: Main window, basic view

Some info and control elements are in the lower left corner:
Greyed elements cannot be modified, the others are changeable: Move the mouse pointer over them and select the wanted value from the popup menu. In the status bar some camera states and the last commands sent from the software to the camera are displayed, just for information.

And there are three buttons:
Sony's programming interface does not allow to change the camera mode. If you want to switch from aperture mode ("A") to manual mode ("M") e. g. you have to do this directly with the camera's mode wheel and to press the camera's trigger button half down to transfer the new mode to the application.

4.2 Showing the Last Taken Picture

If the vertical divider of the main window's split pane is not at the very most right position the last taken picture is transferred from the camera to the application (this needs some time.)

Main window, showing last taken picture

Fig. 12: Main window, showing the last taken picture

Some more control elements are visible now. From right to left:

5 Camera Settings

The most important settings as shutter speed and aperture can be adjusted directly in the main window as seen above. These and all other camera settings available in Sony's API are accessible with the Camera Settings dialog:

        Settings dialog

Fig. 13: The Camera Settings dialog

The dialog can be opened with menu item "Camera/Settings ...". Just choose the wanted value with one of the drop down lists, and it is transmitted to the camera immediately. For the sake of compactness the dialog has its own little menu bar rather than buttons or other control elements. The dialog's contents is based on the events the camera sends back to the application when a parameter changes. This list of parameters can be filtered with the "Filter" menu item:
With the "Sort" menu item you can sort the list shown in the dialog by some criteria:
When changing the filter the dialog will show more or less elements than before and will probably need another size. To adjust the size again you can "Resize" it with this button. The "Close" button does the same as the closer ("x") in the upper right corner, but stores the settings.

6 Zooming

If the camera supports zooming the focal length can be set with menu item "Camera/Zoom ..." which opens the Zoom dialog:

Zoom dialog

Fig. 14: The Zoom dialog.

It is possible to Zoom in and to Zoom out and to set the zoom Mode which allows to disable the digital zoom. The slider shows the current zoom value from 0 percent (smallest focal length) to 100 percent (largest focal length).

7 Timer

Menu item "Tools/Timer ..." opens the Timer dialog:

Timer dialog

Fig. 15: The Timer dialog.

You can define the number of Pictures to take, a Start Delay after that the triggering of the camera starts and the Time Interval between each picture. The process can be started and stopped when pressing the Start button and paused with the Pause button. The Countdown field shows the time until the next picture will be taken.

8 Focus Bracketing

Unfortunately Sony's API does not support setting the focus manually. Therefore it is not easy to realize a focus bracketing feature, i. e. taking a series of pictures with different focus settings to combine them into a single image with enhanced depth of field. The only option the API provides is the Touch AF mode which is described above. Using this, some kind of focus bracketing can be enabled.

Click on menu item "Tools/Focus Bracketing ..." to open the Focus Bracketing dialog:

        Bracketing dialog
Fig. 16: The Focus Bracketing dialog

This dialog allows you to define a line in the Live View with a focus start point, a focus end point and a number of focus points in between. When pressing the Start button the software will take the given Number of Pictures and moves the focus point via Touch AF automatically along this line. The line can be defined by typing in the Focus Start Position and the Focus End Position as percentages of the image width and height between 0 % and 100 %. Or you can use the Pick tool: If activated you can click into the live view to get the current mouse pointer position as start or end point. As in the Timer dialog the procedure can be aborted by pressing the Start button a second time and paused and continued later with the Pause button.

But, this mechanism is only a weak compromise of course. The problem is: You have to ensure that along the focus line is something in the picture which is in the correct distance to set the focus on; and that at this position is enough structure to allow the camera to find the focus. This means, in many cases, you need to place a ruler or something like that in your picture and define the Focus Start Position and Focus End Position on it as is done in this example:

Main window with active focus bracketing
Fig. 17: Main window with activated Focus Bracketing

And the process is very slow, because the autofocus needs time and the image processing after each taken picture as well. This may be possible in a studio to take pictures of table top arrangements but not in the free nature to photograph e. g. living insects with macro lenses.

Important hint: The focus field should be as small as possible to avoid overlapping of the focus field from picture to picture. Therefore you should set the camera's "Focus Area" into the mode "Flexible Spot: S"! This must be done directly in the camera because Sony's API does not allow it to set.

9 Histogram

Menu item "Tools/Histogram ..." opens the Histogram dialog:


Fig. 18: Histogram dialog

The histogram of a picture shows how many pixels of a specific color are there. As you probably know a picture's pixel is represented by the three values for the red, green and blue part (RGB). Each value can be in the range from 0 to 255. The mouse pointer in fig. 18 points to the right peak of the red line e. g., and this position has the coordinates (193, 41964). This means there are 41964 pixels in the picture with a red component value of 193. The histogram can be used e. g. to evaluate the exposure of the picture: If there are many pixels in the right part of the diagram but few pixels in the left part the picture is probably overexposured.

With the settings on the dialog's left side the diagram can be adjusted by enabling or disabling the Red, Green or Blue channel, and the Average of the three values, shown in black, can also be switched on and off. And you can switch between displaying the Live View's or the last Taken Picture's histogram.

10 Transferring Files from the Camera

Menu item "File/Transfer Files ..." opens the Transfer Files dialog:

        Files dialog

Fig. 19: The Transfer Files dialog.

When opened the list of all images or movies available on the camera's SD card is retrieved and shown in the table. Thumbnails are loaded only if wanted because this needs very much time. The control elements are:
Transferring files from the camera is rather slow; in most cases it may be better to put the SD card directly into your notebook or a card reader to do this. But there is a problem when deleting files on the SD card with your computer's file browser: The camera's database will be corrupted then. This is not the case when deleting (or moving) files with the Transfer Files dialog.

Attention: Transferring files is only supported by some Sony cameras. It is not available with the HX60 e. g.

11 Program Preferences

Menu Item "File/Program Preferences ..." opens the Preferences dialog:


Fig. 20: Program Preferences Dialog

With this dialog you can adjust some settings concerning the application. You can switch the language between English and German, change the application's skin, switch tooltips on and off and switch on and off the warning message when the program will be closed.

These and all other settings as the position of the main window and those made in the other dialogs (but not the camera settings!) are only saved when leaving the program with menu item "File/Save Program Preferences and Exit". This is not the case when pressing "File/Exit" or the closer cross in the upper right corner of the main window.

If you want to reset all settings to their default values you can delete the file "C:\Users\<User name>\CameraRC\CameraRC.ini". It will be recreated when the software is closed the next time with menu item "File/Save Program Preferences and Exit".

12 Menu Bar

The menu bar shows the following options:

Menu bar

Fig. 21: The menu bar and the two sub menus Rotate and Grid in the Tools menu

13 Advanced: Camera Commands

For experimental purposes all functions available in Sony's programming interface are accessible with the Camera Commands dialog. It is shown when menu item "Camera/Expert Commands ..." is triggered:

        Commands dialog

Fig. 22: Camera Commands dialog

Sony's camera API is divided into four so called services: "accessControl", "avContent", "camera" and "guide"*. It can be selected with the Service drop down list. Each service offers a number of functions, Sony calls them "methods". Which methods are available depends on the state the camera is in. The currently available methods are listed in the Method drop down list. Some methods need parameters to work; their types are shown in the Parameter Types field (just for better memorization) and must be entered in the Parameters field. If this is done the method can be triggered with the Send button: The command will be sent to the camera, and the camera's answer is printed in the Response field. The response is given in the so called JSON format, i. e. basically as a list of labels and values included in curly braces.

You will not be able to use this mechanism without knowing Sony's programming interface. It is described in the document "API references for Camera Remote API beta", you can download it here: Some method examples are given in the following list to see how to hand over the parameters:
*Note: "accessControl" is not described in Sony's documentation, the service "system" described there is not available in the Alpha 7 II.

14 System Requirements

The application has been successfully tested with a Sony Alpha 7 II, a Sony Alpha 7 and a Sony HX60; a user reported the software to be working with a Sony Alpha 7 S II. Successful tests with the following operating systems have been made:
Probably it will be working with other Sony cameras and other operating systems as well.
The Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0 or newer is needed.

The HX60 has limited functionality; the last taken picture can be transferred only with low resolution, the list of pictures stored on the SD card cannot be read.

15 Todo List

Some things in the application are still missing:

16 Change Log

11 April 2020, Version 1.5.0 beta:

6 January 2020, Version 1.4.0:

26 May 2019, Version 1.3.0:

20 January 2019, Version 1.2.0:

15 December 2018, Version 1.1.0:

30 October 2018, Version 1.0.0:

7 July 2018, Version 0.9.5:

9 April 2017, Version 0.9.4:

8 November 2016, Version 0.9.3:

5 June 2016, Version 0.9.2:

27 April 2016, Version 0.9.1:

15 April 2016, Version 0.9.0: